Amidst the ongoing incidents in the occupied West Bank, Israeli soldiers near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank have shot and killed two-year-old Muhammad Tamimi. The tragic incident occurred as Muhammad and his father, Haytham, were outside their home, where they were shot near their parked car. Haytham sustained a serious chest injury and was immediately taken to a hospital in Ramallah for treatment. Muhammad was transported to an Israeli hospital and remained on life support until his passing.
Israeli soldiers have acknowledged their involvement in the shooting, stating that they fired at the car, mistakenly believing Muhammad and his father to be Palestinian fighters. The Israeli army released a statement clarifying that they were responding to the presence of Palestinian fighters in a nearby settlement.
Basem Tamimi, a family friend of Haytham and a local activist, reported, “Israeli forces were positioned near the house and opened fire with live bullets at the car.” He expressed concerns about the actions of Israeli forces, highlighting the vulnerability it creates and the risks it imposes on their lives.